Parent-Child Dyadic Therapy

As a parent, there is nothing more difficult than seeing your child in pain or struggling with something that seems to come so easily for other children their age. Your child is the expert on themself, and yet- they can't always tell you exactly what is going on for them in ways that you can understand. You are the next best expert but what if you don't know how to help or what to do? Therapy may be a good next step.
You may be observing the following in your child:
Excessive anxiety around separating from you
Anger, tantrums, meltdowns, yelling
Lying, breaking rules, stealing
Changes in academic performance
Sad, crying, isolating from family and friends
Difficulty focusing, difficulty getting things done
You may find yourself not showing up as the parent you want to be:
Frustrated, impatient, irritable
Yelling, threatening, over-reacting
Feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what to do, how to help your child
Worrying excessively about your child, spending your nights googling resources
Resorting to actions that are not in alignment with how you want to show up as a parent
Most of my career has been spent working with children, their parents and their communities. Over time, I've developed a strong practice rooted in understanding family dynamics, the impact of trauma, neurobiology and child development.
We used to live in tribes or communities in which there were many more supports for parents- aunties, uncles, elders, healers, mentors, older cousins, teachers, guides. Nowadays, as a parent of two littles and a family therapist working with younger and older children, I both feel and see the impact of parenting without enough resources. Many parents are juggling impossible schedules filled with work, sports practice, school drop-offs and pick-ups, mid-week and weekend grocery runs, doctor appointments and more.
Parents need to be held in order for them to hold their children.
As a family therapist, I can step in to provide extra support for both parents and children as they work to address issues related to child mental or behavioral health. I do this by first completing a thorough assessment of the child, parent and family within the multitude of contexts that they live in. Only then can I attempt to understand why a child is experiencing a mental health or behavioral issue. Much of my work involves supporting the parent in understanding and learning new, more effective ways in supporting their child. After all, parents are the most constant force in a child’s life.
Parent-child therapy sessions can take many different courses. I can alternate working with the child individually, the parent(s) individually, or with the parent(s) and child together. At times, I also include siblings. I often incorporate play, movement and art in order to support the child in communicating.